Jun 12, 2023
Pet therapy Dog Walking and Increased Health Pet Attachment and Decreased Loneliness Pet Ownership and Decreased Cardiovascular Disease The Healing Power of Pets for the Elderly These are just some of the articles on the benefits of pets for seniors. But what happens when your mom or dad can no longer take care of their […]
Jan 21, 2019
The word hospice is often seen in our culture as a scary word. I wanted to start the conversation about hospice in hopes that it won’t be such a scary concept, but actually a great benefit to those who need it. In my own personal experience, at the end of my grandma’s life, she signed […]
Jan 16, 2019
My Dad passed away in 2007 at 55 yrs old. I’ve wanted to write about grief for a while now, especially since I work with so many families facing loss but I couldn’t quite write about it without facing my own. Near the end, my Dad was suffering from Alcohol Induced Dementia…before I even knew […]